National Cancer Awareness Month
By: Kasia Krawczyk

Throughout the month of June, we celebrate the nearly 17 million Americans who have bravely and successfully battled cancer. Whether someone is still going through treatment or has been in remission for some time and won their battle against cancer, June is an opportunity to celebrate all cancer survivors. June, nationally recognized as Cancer Survivor Month, is an opportunity for the millions of cancer survivors across the country to celebrate their victories and acknowledge those who have supported them along the way. It is also an opportunity for those who have not been affected by cancer to learn and understand the challenges that accompany the struggles of survivorship.
Many of those who have not battled cancer believe that once treatment ends, the trials and tribulations related to cancer come to a halt. Unfortunately, the truth is that moving forward as a survivor one is met by many new struggles. As cancer survivors steer through these new challenges, many of the support systems they had throughout treatment are no longer as present as they were previously, which makes adjusting to their new normal incredibly taxing and isolating.
This month, as survivors are celebrated and honored, it is imperative to remember that the battle that these individuals faced is far from over. Celebrating National Cancer Survivor Month means remembering to check in with your loved ones and offering them support while they attempt to move forward and maneuver through these difficult and uncertain times. Survivorship is an occasion to celebrate, but it is not the end of the challenging path.