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Frequently Asked Questions
Everyone at Hope gave such great care in their own special way before our mother passed away. Thank you also for the support and caring concern that you showed to all of us, it was very much appreciated.
Thanks for all the T.L.C you've shown my mom and I. Best wishes
From James and Family
From Harriet and Family

1. Who is eligible for Hospice Care?
2. When should patients and families consider Hospice Care?
3. Doesn’t accepting Hospice Care mean giving up?
5. How does Hospice differ from other medical care?
6. What if my condition improves?
7. How does Hospice manage pain and other symptoms?
8. Don’t most pain medications make people feel “doped –up”?
1. Who is eligible for Hospice Care?
All persons facing a life-limiting illness or accident in which comfort is the primary goal of care.
2. When should patients and families consider Hospice Care?
Once an individual receives a life-limiting diagnosis, along with their family and physician, a conversation needs to take place exploring all options of appropriate care. If the goal of care is primarily comfort and quality of life, Hospice may be appropriate. A patient does not need to be bed-bound or critically ill to be admitted to Hospice Care. A HOPE Representative would be happy to discuss with you and your family your individual needs and goals.
3. Doesn’t accepting Hospice Care mean giving up?
The Hospice Philosophy of Care recognizes that most diseases in their late stages cannot be cured. This does not mean giving up hope. Hope is found in helping the patient and family achieve the highest possible level of physical, emotional and spiritual comfort. Many Hospice organizations require patients to be “ready” for the end of life before receiving services. At HOPE you don’t have to be “ready”. Hope means different things to different people. We will walk by your side on your journey to live out whatever hope means to you.
4. Who pays for Hospice Care?
All Hospice services are covered 100% by Medicare, Medicaid and most commercial insurance plans. Gifts from our generous donors will enable HOPE to provide care to all patients regardless of their financial situation or insurance coverage.
5. How does Hospice differ from other medical care?
Hospice recognizes that a serious illness not only affects the patient, but the entire family unit. A coordinated team of Hospice Professionals not only work to ensure the physical comfort, dignity and independence of the patient, but just as importantly, strive to meet the patient and family’s emotional and spiritual needs.
6. What if my condition improves?
There is no penalty for getting better – this is considered a blessing. Should a patient’s prognosis or condition significantly improve, HOPE will coordinate with the patient, family and the physician a transfer of care to a non-hospice provider. Should the patient again become eligible for Hospice Care they may re-elect the Hospice Benefit at any time.
7. How does Hospice manage pain and other symptoms?
We at HOPE are experts in the art of pain and symptom management. We are continually developing new protocols for keeping our patients comfortable and as alert and independent as possible. We work closely with physicians and pharmacists to provide the most effective results for each patient.
8. Don’t most pain medications make people feel “doped up”?
When medications are used appropriately to treat pain and other unwanted symptoms, patients find much needed relief without getting “high” or “addicted”. The result is that the patient often remains more alert and active because they are no longer exhausted from uncontrolled symptoms.
9. How is HOPE different from other Hospice organizations?
We at Hope also take pride in our Open Access Philosophy. This means that no course of treatment will be discounted or denied that may contribute to an individual’s quality of life. We will accept any person who is eligible for Hospice Care regardless of the complexity of his or her medical needs. We encourage and empower patients and families to maintain control and make choices regarding their care. HOPE’s Open Access Philosophy sets us apart from many other Hospice providers and demonstrates our passion to providing excellent care without exception.