The ‘Thank Yous’
When asked why I work in hospice care, my answer is always, “I want to be able to make a difference and be there for people when they need it most.” As a team, we want to be sure that we are providing the utmost care. Our patients and their families are at such a vulnerable part of their lives, that there are many emotions they are feeling every single day. We as a hospice team can only hope that we have made even the smallest difference for that time that we were there and for the entire time that we have our patient’s under our care.
And then come the days that we receive either letters in the mail, flowers delivered or positive feedback on our surveys and then we know that we have made a positive impact on someone we cared for.

When we receive messages like the ones above, it reiterates how much care we provide and how much our team as a whole, works together and makes sure our patients and their families are our highest priority.

A handwritten thank you note is always a special reminder that after their loved ones have passed away, they continue to remember the special services that HOPE Hospice provided for the family.
HOPE Hospice continues to be here for your family, even after your loved one has passed away. We have team members that can assist with linking you with grief support or provide an ear to listen. Our bereavement counselor continues the support for at least 13 months after the passing of your loved one. The support will be through phone calls, mailings or referrals for local support groups or counselors.
We would also like to say THANK YOU to all of our patients and families for trusting our professionals with the care of your loved one. We have plenty of years of experience as a team together and we are always willing to lend a hand. HOPE Hospice is here for you!